Editorial | Mitch McConnell misses debate

By The Courier-Journal

Republicans running for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by Mitch McConnell got together for their first televised debate Monday at Kentucky Educational Television.

All except Mr. McConnell, who is seeking his sixth Senate term. He declined to appear but a spokeswoman issued this typically gracious statement on his behalf. It appeared to be aimed at his closest opponent, Matt Bevin, a tea-party favorite who accuses Kentucky's senior senator of not being conservative enough.

"In the interests of consistency, he should probably debate himself and come back after he has declared a winner," sneered the McConnell campaign.

Apparently, Mr. McConnell, the Senate minority leader, deigns it beneath him to come home and debate Mr. Bevin or two lesser known challengers, Brad Copas and Shawna Sterling.

Mr. McConnell prefers to run against the media, President Obama, the new health care law or anything else he can use to change the subject from questions about himself and what he stands for.

That's worked pretty well in settings Mr. McConnell can control and where he can stick with his script and sound bites.

Mr. McConnell can run and he can keep hiding. But the voters of Kentucky shouldn't let him hide forever.